Copyright © 2010 Caringo, Inc.All rights reserved 23Version 5.0December 2010the next step or you can remove the Castor-Authorization header and allowanother user to modify it.To remove the Castor-Authorization header, use PUT or POST with the adminquery argument and your credentials to upload a user realm to the object but do notspecify a Castor-Authorization header in the request.3. PUT the updated Castor-Authorization header and user list to the object.curl -X PUT -i --post301 -H "Castor-Authorization: authorization-specfication" -H "Castor-Stream-Type: admin" --location-trusted"http://node-ip[/bucket-name[?domain=domain-name]&admin" --anyauth -u"your-username:your-password" --data-binary @user-list [-D log-file]You must specify domain=name in a PUT for a domain. If the PUT is for a bucket, you must passin the domain name as the Host in the request if the domain is not the default cluster domain.For example, suppose a bucket named testbucket in the domain hasbecome inaccessible due to either a bad authorization specification or user list. The example thatfollows shows how you can restore access by changing the Castor-Authorization header anduploading a new user list. The example makes the following assumptions:• is the default cluster domain so it does not need to be passed in as theHost in the request.• The object's Castor-Authorization header does not contain either owner@ or @owner.• The cluster administrator uses the default user name (admin) and password(ourpwdofchoicehere).• Commands are sent to a node whose IP address is Create the user list.htdigest -c cluster_example_com_testbucket john.jones2. PUT the new Castor-Authorization header and user list.curl -i -X PUT --post301 -H ",," -H "Castor-Stream-Type: admin" --location-trusted "" --data-binary@cluster_example_com_testbucket -u "admin:ourpwdofchoicehere" -D fix-bucket.log3. Ask a user in the user list to confirm they have access to the object by uploading a new user listto the object or by changing the Castor-Authorization header.4.7.2. Working With Inaccessible ObjectsIn the event a domain, bucket, or named object is not accessible by usual means, you can access itdirectly using the cid= query argument. Examples of when this might be useful:• The domain or bucket has been deleted.