Copyright © 2010 Caringo, Inc.All rights reserved 33Version 5.0December 2010Option Name Default DescriptiondomainHeaders none A comma-separated list of headers in whichto search for the host in an SCSP request.By default, the setting is X-Forwarded-Host, Hostgateway none IP address of the default gateway in thesubnet. This is only used when ipaddress isset in the configuration This is the multicast address for the cluster.It must be a Class D IP address in therange - Thisaddress must be unique for each cluster.Administrators must exercise care whenconfiguring multiple, distinct clusters toensure the multicast groups do not overlap,as any node with the same multicast groupwill become part of a single cluster.hpStartDelay 900 Number of seconds after a node startsbefore the health processor begins checkingthe cluster for the required number ofreplicas for content stored on this node.icmpAcceptRedirects true Determines whether or not the node acceptsrouting information from ICMP redirectresponses. Valid values are true andfalse.igmpVersion 2 The IGMP version used for host membershipqueries. Valid values: 1, 2, 3ioErrorTolerance 200 Number of IOErrors after which a node istaken offline automatically during a retire.ipaddress none Static IP address for a node. If this is not set,a node will use DHCP to obtain its addressinformation.licenseFileURL file:///caringo/license.txt Location and name of the DX Storagelicense file. The default location must not bemodified to utilize the default 2TB license.loghost none IP address of an optional Syslog server.loglevel 40 Controls the minimum level of messagessent to the loghost. Critical messagesare logged at higher levels while minormessages are logged at lower ones.60=announcement, 50=critical, 40=error,30=warning, 20=info, 10=debug, 0=nologging.logport 514 Sets the syslog port to use.maxreps 16 The maximum number of stream instancesthat can be specified in the cluster. Thisis required to be 1 or higher and mustequal or exceed the value of minreps