Copyright © 2010 Caringo, Inc.All rights reserved 31Version 5.0December 2010The following table shows all configurations to control the operation of the DX Storage clusternodes. If a parameter name displays as a link, click the link to jump to more information about thatparameter.Option Name Default Descriptionadministrators {'admin':'ourpwdofchoice-here','snmp':'ourpwdofchoice-here'}List of usernames and passwords authorizedfor read/write access to SNMP and theAdmin Console.User admin with default passwordourpwdofchoicehere can perform writeactions in the Admin Console.User snmp with default passwordourpwdofchoicehere can perform writeactions using SNMP.The names admin and snmp are reservedand should not be changed.archiveMode 0 Default of 0 leaves node in a normaloperating state. Set to 1 to set the node toarchive mode, where the node will remainidle in low-power mode without participatingin cluster activity until its capacity is needed.autoRepOnWrite 0 Set to 1 to force a replicate-on-write forevery stream. Set to 0 to allow the normalreplication mechanism within the healthprocessor.autoValidateRead 0 Validate stream contents before returningsuccessful read response.cache.percentage (orpercentage)10 Percentage of IO buffer memory reservedfor the content cache. The content cachespeeds up access to frequently accessedcontent by storing it in geographicallyproximate locations.The amount of IO buffer memory in a nodedisplays as an announcement messagewhen the node starts up. Look for thefollowing in your announcements: MAINANNOUNCE: Memory allocation atstartupThe default is 10. To disable the contentcache, set it to 0.cache.maxCacheable-Size (ormaxCacheableSize)1048576 Largest size, in bytes, of an object that canbe stored in the content cache. The default is1,048,576 (1MB).cipTTL 1 Allows configuration of multicast networktraffic TTL (time to live). Using the default,the multicast traffic should remain local.