Copyright © 2010 Caringo, Inc.All rights reserved 57Version 5.0December 2010Appendix D. TroubleshootingThis discusses the following suggested solutions to problems with DX Storage:• Section D.1, “Restoring Domains and Buckets”• Section D.2, “Resolving Duplicate Domain Names in a Mirrored or Disaster Recovery (DR)Cluster”• Section D.3, “Using DX Content Router to List Buckets and Objects”• Section D.4, “Boot Errors”• Section D.5, “Configuration”• Section D.6, “Operational Problems”D.1. Restoring Domains and BucketsThis section discusses how to recover domains or buckets after they have been accidentallydeleted. When you delete a bucket, for example, the objects it contains are not deleted but they areinaccessible until you recover the bucket.To recover a deleted domain or bucket, you must have all of the following:• You must know the name of a child object.For example, if a bucket was deleted, you must know the name of an object contained in thatbucket.• The DX Content Router product.You must use the DX Content Router's metadata enumerator to find the contained object'smetadata. The metadata enumerator iterates through all objects in a cluster and returnsinformation about those objects. For example, if a bucket was deleted, the metadata enumeratorcannot locate the bucket but it can locate objects contained in the bucket (because the objectswere not deleted). Knowing the name of an object, you can find the bucket's UUID, which you useto recover the bucket.For more information about using the metadata enumerator, see the Enumerator chapter in theSDK Overview. For information on creating DX Content Router rules, see the DX Content RouterSetup and Configuration Guide.• You must upload a realm (that is, user list) for the domain or bucket you recover. There is no wayto retrieve the user list after the domain or bucket has been deleted.D.1.1. Recovering a Deleted DomainTo recover a domain, you must know the name of a bucket that was contained in the domain. Thefollowing procedure shows how to create the domain from the command line using the previousdomain's UUID. If you create a domain with the same name in the Admin Console, the new domainhas a different UUID. Because all the buckets created in the domain before it was deleted referencethe domain's UUID as Castor-System-CID, the buckets are inaccessible unless the newdomain's UUID is set to the previous value.You must also know the Castor-Authorization header corresponding to the domain'sprotection setting, which is one of the following: