Copyright © 2010 Caringo, Inc.All rights reserved 34Version 5.0December 2010Option Name Default Description(see below). Maxreps is a ceiling thatcannot be exceeded by individual lifepointspecifications.minreps 2 The minimum number of stream instancesthat must be kept in the cluster. This isrequired to be 1 or higher. This is a floor thatcannot be reduced by individual lifepointspecifications.networkMTU 1500 Sets the maximum transmission unit (MTU),in bytes, that DX Storage accepts. Set to ahigher value to use jumbo frames.Before you change the default MTU value,make sure the node's network interfacesand all other network hardware support theselected MTU. If the hardware does notsupport the new MTU value, nodes can beprevented from replicating objects and mightnot be able to communicate with each other.Default is 1500.operators {'snmp':'public'} List of users authorized for read-only accessto SNMP and the admin console. By default,all users are authorized on the adminconsole without authentication and read-onlySNMP users are authorized with an 'snmp'username and 'public' password.netmask none IP network mask for a node. This isonly used when ipaddress is set in theconfiguration file.realmCacheStale-Timeout60 Length of time, in seconds, before therealm cache is cleared. DX Storage cachessecurity realms and user lists for domainsand buckets for the maximum length oftime you specify with this parameter. Setthis parameter to a shorter value if youexpect realms and user lists to be updatedfrequently.The default and minimum is 60.repPriority 2 Replication priority (1 or 2)repQueryLowSize-ProbKeep0.0 Probability of a rep query bid being cachedat the low end of the stream size curve.Set to 0.0 to disable caching. Set to 0.96 tooptimize write performance in large clusters.NOTE: this setting is not compatible withDX Content Router versions 1.2 or earlier.repQueryHighSize-ProbKeep0.0 Probability of a rep query bid being cachedat the high end of the stream size curve.Set to 0.0 to disable caching. Set to 0.5 to