Solving Problems 37RE S T A R T T H E C O M P U T E R1 Simultaneously press to display the Start menu.2 Type u, press the keyboard arrow keys to highlight Shut down or Turn Off, andthen press .3 After the computer turns off, press the power button to restart the computer.IF Y O U C O N N E C T E D T H E M O U S E B E F O R E T U R N I N G O N T H EC O M P U T E R, R E C O N N E C T T H E M O U S E C A B L E1 Simultaneously press to display the Start menu.2 Type u, press the keyboard arrow keys to highlight Shut down or Turn Off, andthen press .3 After the computer turns off, reconnect the mouse cable as shown on the StartHere setup diagram for your computer.4 Start the computer.IF Y O U C O N N E C T E D T H E M O U S E A F T E R T U R N I N G O N T H E C O M P U T E R,R E M O V E T H E P O W E R C A B L E , A N D T H E N R E C O N N E C T T H E M O U S EC A B L E — If the mouse is connected after the power is turned on, the mouseappears to be nonfunctional. To make the mouse function properly:1 While your computer is on, remove the power cable from the back of thecomputer.2 Connect the mouse to the computer.3 Reconnect the power cable.4 Turn on your computer.Pressing the power button does not clear the computer’s settings and does notrestore mouse functionality.CH E C K T H E M O U S E C A B L E• Check the cable connector for bent or broken pins and for damaged or frayedcables. Straighten bent pins.• Ensure that the cable is firmly connected to the computer.TE S T T H E M O U S E — Connect a mouse that works properly to the computer,and try using the mouse. If the new mouse works, the original mouse was faulty.