Jumpers and connectorsThis topic provides specific information about the jumpers. It also provides some basic information about jumpers and switches anddescribes the connectors on the various boards in the system. Jumpers on the system board help to disable the system and setuppasswords. You must know the connectors on the system board to install components and cables correctly.Topics:• Jumpers and connectors• System board jumpers and connectorsJumpers and connectorsThis topic provides specific information about the jumpers. It also provides some basic information about jumpers and switches anddescribes the connectors on the various boards in the system. Jumpers on the system board help to disable the system and setuppasswords. You must know the connectors on the system board to install components and cables correctly.System board jumper settingsFor information on resetting the password jumper to disable a password, see the Disabling a forgotten password section.Table 37. System board jumper settingsJumper Setting DescriptionPWRD_EN The BIOS password feature is enabled.The BIOS password feature is disabled. iDRAC local access isunlocked at next AC power cycle. iDRAC password reset is enabledin F2 iDRAC settings menu.NVRAM_CLR The BIOS configuration settings are retained at system boot.The BIOS configuration settings are cleared at system boot.8Installation and Service ManualJumpers and connectors145