Solving Problems 81Scanner ProblemsHard Drive ProblemsNOTE: For information on saving files to a floppy disk, see the Dell Inspiron Help file. To access the helpfile, see page 18.If you have problems with a hard driveCH E C K T H E P O W E R C A B L E C O N N E C T I O N — Ensure that the scanner powercable is firmly connected to a working electrical power source and that thescanner is turned on.CH E C K T H E S C A N N E R C A B L E C O N N E C T I O N — Ensure that the scanner cable isfirmly connected to the computer and to the scanner.UN L O C K T H E S C A N N E R — Ensure that your scanner is unlocked if it has alocking tab or button.RE I N S T A L L T H E S C A N N E R D R I V E R — See the scanner documentation forinstructions.AL L O W T H E C O M P U T E R T O C O O L B E F O R E T U R N I N G I T O N — A hot hard drivemay prevent the operating system from starting. Try allowing the computer toreturn to room temperature before turning it on.CH E C K T H E D R I V E F O R E R R O R S1 Click the Start button and click My Computer.2 Right-click the drive letter (local disk) that you want to scan for errors, andthen click Properties.3 Click the Tools tab.4 Under Error-checking, click Check Now.5 Click Start.