Use the integratedkeyboard:when workingin MS-DOSmodewhen runningthe DellDiagnosticswhen using thesystem setupprogramDo not use externalUniversal Serial Bus(USB) keyboards withWindows NTand go to step 2. If they cannot be straightened, or are broken, you need anew keyboard.No. Go to step 2.2. Reconnect the keyboard to the computer.3. Make sure the cable from the external keyboard is firmly connected to thekeyboard/mouse connector on the back of the computer.4. Turn on the computer.5. If you are using a keyboard that can be configured with various switch settings,make sure the switch is set to PS/2, Enhanced XT/AT, or PC/AT.The switch settings are usually on the bottom of the keyboard, sometimesbehind a panel tab. Refer to the documentation that came with thekeyboard for more information.6. Turn off the computer, wait one minute, and then turn it on again. During theboot routine, do the Num Lock, Caps Lock, and Scroll Lock lights on theexternal keyboard blink momentarily?Yes. Go to step 7.No. You may have a defective keyboard. Go to step 10.7. Does the computer recognize the external keyboard?Use the external keyboard to type some characters. Do they appear onthe display?Yes. The problem is resolved.No. Go to step 8.8. Turn off the computer and disconnect the external keyboard from the computer.9. Turn on the computer. Does the computer recognize the integrated keyboard?Allow one minute for the computer to initialize its components. Then usethe computer's integrated keyboard to type some characters. Do thecharacters appear on the display?Yes. The external keyboard may be defective. Run the PC-ATCompatible Keyboards device group in the Dell Diagnostics. If youcannot isolate the problem after running the diagnostics, call Dell fortechnical assistance.No. Go to step 10.10. Call Dell for technical assistance.Devices Attachedto Serial orParallel PortsDon't WorkBasic Checks for All Devices:Make sure that the device's cable is firmly connected to its connector on thecomputer.