1156PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide53-1002266-01Setting up local user accounts32Enabling user password maskingBy default, when you use the CLI to create a user password, the password displays on the consoleas you type it. For enhanced security, you can configure the Dell PowerConnect device to mask thepassword characters entered at the CLI. When password masking is enabled, the CLI displaysasterisks (*) on the console instead of the actual password characters entered.The following shows the default CLI behavior when configuring a username and password.PowerConnect(config)#usernamekellypasswordsummertimeThe following shows the CLI behavior when configuring a username and password whenpassword-masking is enabled.PowerConnect(config)#usernamekellypasswordEnterPassword:********NOTEWhen password masking is enabled, press the [Enter] key before entering the password.Syntax: usernamepassword [Enter]For [Enter], press the Enter key. Enter the password when prompted.If strict-password-enforcement is enabled, enter a password which contains the required charactercombination. Refer to “Enabling enhanced user password combination requirements” onpage 1155.To enable password masking, enter the following command.PowerConnect(config)#enableuserpassword-maskingSyntax: [no] enable user password-maskingEnabling user password agingFor enhanced security, password aging enforces quarterly updates of all user passwords. After 180days, the CLI will automatically prompt users to change their passwords when they attempt to signon.When password aging is enabled, the software records the system time that each user passwordwas configured or last changed. The time displays in the output of the show running configurationcommand, indicated by set-time.ExampleThe password aging feature uses the SNTP server clock to record the set-time. If the network doesnot have an SNTP server, then set-time will appear as set-time 0 in the output of the show runningconfiguration command.A username set-time configuration is removed when:•The username and password is deleted from the configurationPowerConnect#showrunCurrentconfiguration:....usernamewaldopassword.....usernameraveenset-time2086038248....