2 User’s Guide Synonym for conventional memory. Acronym for Beginner's All-Purpose Sym-bolic Instruction Code, a programminglanguage. MS-DOS includes a version ofBASIC. An ASCII text file containing a list of com-mands that run in sequence. Batch filesmust have a filename extension of .bat. Data transmission speed. For example,modems are designed to transmit data atone or more specified baud rate(s)through the COM (serial) port of acomputer.Abbreviation for bulletin board service. Acomputer system that serves as a centrallocation for accessing data or relayingmessages by modem. For example, Dell'sTechConnect BBS contains the latest ver-sion of software such as video drivers andthe Dell Directory. If your system has amodem, you can access the BBS anddownload the most recent version of thissoftware. A diagnostic system message in the formof a series of beeps from your computer'sspeaker. See your Installation and Trou-bleshooting Guide for a completediscussion of system beep codes. Acronym for basic input/output system.Your computer's BIOS contains programsstored on a ROM chip. The BIOS controlsthe following functions: Communications between themicroprocessor and peripheraldevices such as the keyboard andthe video adapter Miscellaneous functions, such assystem messagesThe smallest unit of information interpret-ed by your computer. A typical unit of disk storage consisting ofa small number of sectors. This term usu-ally refers to the fundamental unit ofstorage provided by an operating system.See also block size and striping. !The size of a block. See also block andstriping. When you start your computer, it clearsall memory, initializes devices, and loadsthe operating system. Unless the operat-ing system fails to respond, you canreboot (also called warm boot) your com-puter by pressing ;otherwise, you must perform a cold bootby pressing the reset button (if your com-puter has one) or by turning the computeroff and then back on. You can start your computer from a dis-kette in drive A. To make a bootablediskette, insert a diskette in drive A, type-sys a: at the command line prompt andthen press . Use this bootablediskette if your computer will not bootfrom the hard-disk drive.Abbreviation for bits per inch.Abbreviation for bits per second."#Abbreviation for British thermal unit.A bus forms an information pathway be-tween the components of a computer.Your computer contains an expansion busthat allows the microprocessor to com-municate with controllers for all thevarious peripheral devices connected tothe computer. Your computer also con-tains an address bus and a data bus for PreviousNext |