4 User’s Guidehandles numeric processing. A graphicscoprocessor handles video rendering. TheIntel Pentium microprocessor includes anintegrated math coprocessor.Abbreviation for characters per inch.#Abbreviation for central processing unit.See also microprocessor.In character-based MS-DOS programs,the cursor is usually a block or an under-score (possibly blinking) that representsthe position at which the next charactertyped will appear. Windows programs candesign their own cursors—common cur-sor symbols include the pointer arrow andthe text-insertion I-beam."Acronym for digital audio tape.Abbreviation for decibel(s).Abbreviation for adjusted decibel(s).Abbreviation for direct current.Acronym for display data channel. AVESA® standard mechanism that allowsthe system to communicate with themonitor and retrieve information about itscapabilities.* *A device driver allows the operating sys-tem or a program to interface correctlywith a peripheral such as a printer or net-work card. Some device drivers—such asnetwork drivers—must be loaded fromthe config.sys file (with a device= state-ment) or as memory-resident programs(usually, from the autoexec.bat file). Oth-ers—such as video drivers—must loadwhen you start the program for whichthey were designed.+Acronym for Dynamic Host ConfigurationProtocol. See diskette-based diagnostics.((Acronym for dual in-line memory module.Acronym for Deutsche Industrie Norm.Acronym for dual in-line package. A circuitboard, such as a system board or expan-sion card, may contain DIP switches forconfiguring the circuit board. DIP switch-es are always toggle switches, with anON position and an OFF position. Directories help keep related files orga-nized in a hierarchical, "inverted tree"structure. Each disk has a "root" directory;for example, a C:\> prompt normally indi-cates that you are at the root directory ofhard-disk drive C. Additional directoriesthat branch off of the root directory arecalled subdirectories. Subdirectories maycontain additional directories branchingoff of them.