Figure 180. Status LED indicatorsTable 107. Status LED indicators and descriptionsIcon Description Condition Corrective actionDrive indicator The indicator turns solid amber ifthere is a drive error.● Check the System Event Log to determine if thedrive has an error.● Run the appropriate Online Diagnostics test.Restart the system and run embeddeddiagnostics (ePSA).● If the drives are configured in a RAID array,restart the system, and enter the host adapterconfiguration utility program.TemperatureindicatorThe indicator turns solid amber ifthe system experiences a thermalerror (for example, the ambienttemperature is out of range orthere is a fan failure).Ensure that none of the following conditions exist:● A cooling fan has been removed or has failed.● System cover, air shrouds, or back filler brackethas been removed.● Ambient temperature is too high.● External airflow is obstructed.If the problem persists, see the Getting help section.ElectricalindicatorThe indicator turns solid amberif the system experiences anelectrical error (for example,voltage out of range, or a failedpower supply unit (PSU) orvoltage regulator).Check the System Event Log or system messagesfor the specific issue. If it is due to a problem withthe PSU, check the LED on the PSU. Reseat thePSU.If the problem persists, see theGetting help section.Memory indicator The indicator turns solid amber if amemory error occurs.Check the System Event Log or system messagesfor the location of the failed memory. Reseat thememory module.If the problem persists, see theGetting help section.PCIe indicator The indicator turns solid amber if aPCIe card experiences an error.Restart the system. Update any required drivers forthe PCIe card. Reinstall the card.210 System diagnostics and indicator codes