EDSFF E3 drive led codesThe LEDs on the drive carrier indicate the state of each drive. The LEDs on the EDSFF E3 drive have two LEDs: an activity LED(green) and a locate/fault LED (blue/amber). The activity LED blinks whenever the drive is accessed.Figure 186. EDSFF E3 drive indicators1. Drive activity LED indicator2. Drive status LED indicator3. Drive capacity labelEDSFF E3 drive led codesE3 hard drives have Green LED and Blue/Amber LED.● Green LED shows : Drive power status , Activity● Blue/Amber LED shows: Drive Fault, LocateEDSFF indicator behaviorTable 117. EDSFF indicator behaviorPattern Name Description Blue Element Amber ElementLocate This device is being identified. ON (1 sec ON 1 sec OFF) OFFFault The device is in a faultcondition.OFF ON (2 sec ON 1 sec OFF)N/A This device does not havefault or locate device.OFF OFFNOTE: Locate behavior overrides Fault state.Green LEDThe green LED is driven and controlled by the device. The two functions for this LED are defined as follows:● Power: This function indicates that the device has power and has no issues with its power regulation. Once the green LEDis ON, it shall either remain ON or blink at the activity frequency unless the device determines power is no longer within itsoperating range.● Activity: This function indicates if the device is being used.Table 118. LED and device state per function for Green LEDFunction/Device state LED statePower ON/Device is powered, no activity occurring. ONActivity/Device is powered, host initiated I/O activityoccurring.4 Hz nominal blink ratePower OFF/Device is not powered. OFFUsing system diagnosticsIf you experience an issue with the system, run the system diagnostics before contacting Dell for technical assistance. Thepurpose of running system diagnostics is to test the system hardware without using additional equipment or risking data loss.If you are unable to fix the issue yourself, service and support personnel can use the diagnostics results to help you solve theissue.218 System diagnostics and indicator codes