Table 55. Integrated Devices details (continued)Option Descriptionsystem initializes the timer. When this option is set to Disabled (the default),the timer does not have any effect on the system.Memory Mapped I/O Limit Controls where MMIO is mapped. The 1 TB option is designed for specificOS which cannot support MMIO over 1 TB. This option is set to 8 TB bydefault. The default option is the maximum address that the system supportsand recommended in most cases.Slot Disablement Enables or disables the available PCIe slots on your system. The slotdisablement feature controls the configuration of the PCIe cards installed inthe specified slot. Slots must be disabled only when the installed peripheral cardprevents booting into the operating system or causes delays in system startup.If the slot is disabled, both the Option ROM and UEFI drivers are disabled.Only slots that are present on the system will be available for control. Slot n:Enables or disables or only the boot driver is disabled for the PCIe slot n. Thisoption is set to Enabled by default.Slot Bifurcation Slot Discovery Bifurcation Settings allows Platform Default Bifurcationand Manual bifurcation Control. The default is set to Platform DefaultBifurcation. The slot bifurcation field is accessible when set to Manualbifurcation Control and is grayed out when set to Platform DefaultBifurcation.NOTE: This option is only available for 4th Generation AMD EPYCprocessors.Serial CommunicationTo view the Serial Communication screen, power on the system, press F2, and click System Setup Main Menu > SystemBIOS > Serial Communication.Table 56. Serial Communication detailsOption DescriptionSerial Communication Selects serial communication devices (Serial Device 1 and Serial Device 2) inBIOS. BIOS console redirection can also be enabled and the port address canbe specified. This option is set to Auto by default.Serial Port Address Enables you to set the port address for serial devices.NOTE: You can use only Serial Device 2 for the Serial Over LAN (SOL)feature. To use console redirection by SOL, configure the same portaddress for console redirection and the serial device.NOTE: Every time the system boots, the BIOS syncs the serial MUXsetting that is saved in iDRAC. The serial MUX setting can independentlybe changed in iDRAC. Loading the BIOS default settings from within theBIOS setup utility may not always revert the serial MUX setting to thedefault setting of Serial Device 1.External Serial Connector Enables you to associate the External Serial Connector to Serial Device 1,Serial Device 2, or the Remote Access Device by using this option. Thisoption is set to Serial Device 1 by default.NOTE: Only Serial Device 2 can be used for Serial Over LAN (SOL).To use console redirection by SOL, configure the same port address forconsole redirection and the serial device.NOTE: Every time the system boots, the BIOS syncs the serial MUXsetting saved in iDRAC. The serial MUX setting can independently bechanged in iDRAC. Loading the BIOS default settings from within the BIOSPre-operating system management applications 51