Finding Information 13• Solutions — Troubleshooting hintsand tips, articles from technicians,online courses, and frequently askedquestions• Community — Online discussionwith other Dell customers• Upgrades — Upgrade information forcomponents, such as the memory,hard drive, and operating system• Customer Care — Contactinformation, service call and orderstatus, and warranty and repairinformation• Service and Support — Service callstatus, support history, servicecontract, and online discussions withsupport• Reference — Computerdocumentation, details on mycomputer configuration, productspecifications, and white papers• Downloads — Certified drivers,patches, and software updates• Desktop System Software (DSS) —If you reinstall the operating systemon your computer, you should alsoreinstall the DSS utility. DSSautomatically detects your computerand operating system and installs theupdates appropriate for yourconfiguration, providing criticalupdates for your operating system andsupport for Dell™ 3.5-inch USB floppydrives, Intel® Pentium® M processors,optical drives, and USB devices. DSSis necessary for correct operation ofyour Dell computer.Dell Support Website — Select your region or businesssegment to view the appropriate support site.To download Desktop System Software:1 Go to, select yourbusiness segment, and then enter yourService Tag or product model.2 Select Drivers & Downloads, and thenclick Go.3 Select your operating system andlanguage, and then search for the keywordDesktop System Software.NOTE: The user interfacemay vary depending on your selections.What Are You Looking For? Find It Page 13 Tuesday, November 27, 2007 10:29 AM