Option DescriptionInternal USB Port Enables or disables the internal USB port. This option is set to Enabled by default.IntegratedNetwork Card 1Enables or disables the integrated network card.Embedded NIC1and NIC2 NOTE: The Embedded NIC1 and NIC2 options are only available on systemsthat do not have Integrated Network Card 1.Enables or disables the Embedded NIC1 and NIC2 options. If set to Disabled, theNIC may still be available for shared network access by the embeddedmanagement controller. The embedded NIC1 and NIC2 options are only availableon systems that do not have Network Daughter Cards (NDCs). This option ismutually exclusive with the Integrated Network Card 1 option. Configure thisfunction by using the NIC management utilities of the system.Embedded VideoControllerAllows you to enable or disable the Embedded Video Controller option. Thisoption is set to Enabled by default.Current State ofEmbedded VideoControllerDisplays the current state of the embedded video controller. The Current State ofEmbedded Video Controller option is a read-only field. If the Embedded VideoController is the only display capability in the system (that is, no add-in graphicscard is installed), then the Embedded Video Controller is automatically used as theprimary display even if the Embedded Video Controller setting is set to Disabled.OS WatchdogTimerIf your system stops responding, this watchdog timer aids in the recovery of youroperating system. When this option is set to Enabled, the operating systeminitializes the timer. When this option is set to Disabled (the default), the timer doesnot have any effect on the system.Memory MappedI/O above 4 GBEnables or disables the support for PCIe devices that require large amounts ofmemory. This option is set to Enabled by default.Slot Disablement Enables or disables the available PCIe slots on your system. The slot disablementfeature controls the configuration of PCIe cards installed in the specified slot. Slotdisablement must be used only when the installed peripheral card prevents bootinginto the operating system or causes delays in system startup. If the slot is disabled,both the Option ROM and UEFI drivers are disabled.Serial Communication screen detailsYou can use the Serial Communication screen to view the properties of the serial communication port.To view the Serial Communication screen, click System Setup Main Menu → System BIOS → SerialCommunication.The Serial Communication screen details are explained as follows:Option DescriptionSerialCommunicationSelects serial communication devices (Serial Device 1 and Serial Device 2) in BIOS.BIOS console redirection can also be enabled and the port address can bespecified. This option is set to Auto by default.Serial PortAddressEnables you to set the port address for serial devices. This option is set to SerialDevice 1=COM2, Serial Device 2=COM1 by default.NOTE: You can use only Serial Device 2 for the Serial Over LAN (SOL) feature.To use console redirection by SOL, configure the same port address forconsole redirection and the serial device.40