68ErrorCode Details of Error code Display Coping strategiesA0Acquisition of (Application Mode)IP address failed before rewritingDM860 was rewritten (AutoIP).E t h e r I M G * * * m i nC o n n e c t i o n F a i l A 0Check the network connection.Carry out the update in an environmentthat has little network load.A1Acquisition of (Application Mode)IP address failed before rewritingDM860 was rewritten (when timedout).E t h e r I M G * * * m i nC o n n e c t i o n F a i l A 1Check the network connection.Carry out the update in an environmentthat has little network load.A2Invalid login via DPMS access wasnotified DM860 related firmwarewas rewritten (Application Mode).E t h e r I M G * * * m i nL o g i n f a i l e d A 2Check the network connection.Carry out the update in an environmentthat has little network load.A3Line congestion via DPMS accesswas notified DM860 related firmwarewas rewritten (Application Mode).E t h e r I M G * * * m i nS e r v e r i s b u s y A 3Check the network connection.Carry out the update in an environmentthat has little network load.A4Connection failure via DPMSaccess was notified DM860 relatedfirmware was rewritten (ApplicationMode).E t h e r I M G * * * m i nC o n n e c t i o n F a i l A 4Check the network connection.Carry out the update in an environmentthat has little network load.A6Firmware data error messagewas received after DPMS loginwhen DM860 related firmware wasrewritten (Application Mode).E t h e r I M G * * * m i nU p d a t i n g f a i l A 6Turn off and on the power. Updatingstarts automatically.Carry out the update in an environmentthat has little network load.A7When DM860 related firmwarewas rewritten (Application Mode),request was made for firmware dataafter DPMS login but it timed out.E t h e r I M G * * * m i nU p d a t i n g f a i l A 7Turn off and on the power. Updatingstarts automatically.Carry out the update in an environmentthat has little network load.A8Acquisition of (Boot Loader Mode)IP address failed before rewritingDM860 was rewritten (AutoIP).E t h e r I M G * * * m i nC o n n e c t i o n F a i l A 8Check the network connection.Carry out the update in an environmentthat has little network load.A9Acquisition of (Boot Loader Mode)IP address failed before rewritingDM860 was rewritten (when timedout).E t h e r I M G * * * m i nC o n n e c t i o n F a i l A 9Check the network connection.Carry out the update in an environmentthat has little network load.AAInvalid login via DPMS access failedwhen DM860 related firmware wasrewritten (Boot Loader Mode).E t h e r I M G * * * m i nL o g i n f a i l e d A ACheck the network connection.Carry out the update in an environmentthat has little network load.ABLine congestion via DPMS accesswhen DM860 related firmware wasrewritten (Boot Loader Mode).E t h e r I M G * * * m i nS e r v e r i s b u s y A BCheck the network connection.Carry out the update in an environmentthat has little network load.ACConnection failure via DPMSaccess failed when DM860 relatedfirmware was rewritten (Boot LoaderMode).E t h e r I M G * * * m i nC o n n e c t i o n F a i l A CCheck the network connection.Carry out the update in an environmentthat has little network load.AEFirmware download error messagereceived (when download fails)when DM860 related firmware wasrewritten (Boot Loader Mode).E t h e r I M G * * * m i nD o w n l o a d f a i l A ETurn off and on the power. Updatingstarts automatically.Carry out the update in an environmentthat has little network load.AFFirmware download error messagereceived (line congestion) whenDM860 related firmware wasrewritten (Boot Loader Mode).E t h e r I M G * * * m i nS e r v e r i s b u s y A FTurn off and on the power. Updatingstarts automatically.Carry out the update in an environmentthat has little network load.B0Firmware download error messagereceived (connection failure) whenDM860 related firmware wasrewritten (Boot Loader Mode).E t h e r I M G * * * m i nC o n n e c t i o n F a i l B 0Turn off and on the power. Updatingstarts automatically.Carry out the update in an environmentthat has little network load.B2Error message received whenDM860 related firmware wasrewrittenE t h e r I M G * * * m i nU p d a t i n g f a i l B 2Turn off and on the power. Updatingstarts automatically.Carry out the update in an environmentthat has little network load.