924.2. Power AMP (MAIN UNIT)No sound is output.The protector operates.Is the power transistor open or short-circuited?2SB1647/2SD2560Is the emitter resistance of the powertransistor open?0.47ΩIs the base resistance of the powertransistor open?22ΩIs the trimmer potentiometer between thebase of the power transistor open?1kΩAre the zener diode and diode whichare connected with the base of a powertransistor short-circuited?MTZJ4.7B1SS133Is other transistor trouble?Is other resistance trouble?Turn on the power, check that voltage of the section is normal and that idling electric current isflowing.Replace the power transistor.Replace the transistor.Replace the resistance.Replace the emitter resistance.Replace the base resistance.Replace the trimmer potentiometers.Replace the zener diode and the diode.YESYESYESYESYESYESYESNONONONONONOYES