Confirmation item Setting and display Details of how to operate remote controller *a) Output sequence of remote control codes※ It is useful to form a macro program. *b) Contents of confirmation Remarks7HDMI Audio (signal) Path(Audio : AVR)Audio : AVR(When checking the audio outputfrom AVR)Display:V 0 5 D V D1.Press [AVR]2.Press [ZONE SELECT], Select "MAIN"3.Press [5/JKL]qKEY 5/JKL (Main Zone)Initialization & Select Audio AVR·Input : HDMI (Signal of PCM2ch, DolbyDigital or DTS) / Output :Speakers·Input : HDMI (Signal of HD Audio) / Output : Speakers( ※ As the input source, you can switch from DVD to other ones.)4.Press [DVD] wDVD (Main Zone)8HDMI Audio (signal) Path(Audio : TV)Audio : TV(When checking the audio outputfrom TV)Display:V 0 6 D V D1.Press [AVR]2.Press [ZONE SELECT], Select "MAIN"3.Press [6/MNO]qKEY 6/MNO (Main Zone)Initialization & Audio Select TV· Input : HDMI (Signal of PCM2ch ) / Output : HDMI (Audio output fromconnected TV)( ※ As the input source, you can switch from DVD to other ones.)4.Press [DVD] wDVD (Main Zone)9HDMI (signal) Path(ZONE4)Video Convert(IP Scaler) : OFF, All SourcesMAIN ZONE, ZONE4 : ONDisplay:V 0 1 D V D1.Press [AVR]2.Press [ZONE SELECT], Select "MAIN"3.Press [1/./]qKEY1/CODE1 (Main Zone)Initialization & Video Convert All OFF·Input : HDMI (ZONE4 Function) / Output : HDMI (ZONE4)( ※ As the input source, you can switch from DVD to other ones.)ZONE4 CEC is confirmed you set below.Setup Menu → Video → HDMI Setup →Control Monitor → ZONE44.Press [DVD] wDVD (Main Zone)3.4.6. Audio system confirmation itemsfig.XX : Refer to the block diagram of the fig.XXth.Confirmation item Setting and display Details of how to operate remote controller Output sequence of remote control codes※ It is useful to form a macro program. Contents of confirmation Remarks1Analog (signal) Path Input Mode : Fixed ANALOGSURROUND mode : DIRECTAmp assign : 9.1ch (SB/FH/FW)Display:A 0 1 D V D1.Press [AVR]2.Press [ZONE SELECT], Select "MAIN"3.Press [7/PQRS]qKEY 7/PQRS (Main Zone)Initialization & Amp assign 9.1ch (SB/FH/FW) & Input Mode Fixed ANALOG &SURROUND mode DIRECT·Input : Analog / Output : Speakers (Front L/R)·Input : Analog / Output : Pre OUT(Front L/R)( ※ As the input source, you can switch from DVD to other ones.)4.Press [DVD] wDVD (Main Zone)2DIGITAL (signal) Path(MAIN)Input Mode : Fixed DIGITALAmp assign : 9.1ch (SB/FH/FW)Display:A 0 2 D V D1.Press [AVR]2.Press [ZONE SELECT], Select "ZONE3"3.Press [8/TUV]qKEY 8/TUV (Main Zone)Initialization & Amp assign 9.1ch (SB/FH/FW) & Input Mode Fixed DIGITAL·Input : Digital / Output : Speakers (Front L/R)·Input : Digital / Output : Pre OUT(Front L/R)( ※ As the input source, you can switch from DVD to other ones.)4.Press [DVD] wDVD (Main Zone)3DIGITAL (signal) Path(ZONE2)Input Mode : Fixed DIGITALAmp assign : 7.1ch+ZONE2Display:A 0 3 D V D1.Press [AVR]2.Press [ZONE SELECT], Select "ZONE3"3.Press [9/XYZ]qKEY 9/XYZ (Main Zone)Initialization & Amp assign 7.1ch+ZONE2& Input Mode Fixed DIGITAL·Input : Network or iPod/USB / Output : Speakers (Front wide L/R)·Input : Network or iPod/USB / Output : Pre OUT(ZONE2 L/R)( ※ As the input source, comfirm the operation in Network or iPod/USB.)4.Press [NET/USB] wNET/USB (Main Zone)4HDMI (signal) Path Input Mode : Fixed HDMIAmp assign : 9.1ch (SB/FH/FW)Display:A 0 5 D V D1.Press [AVR]2.Press [ZONE SELECT], Select "MAIN"3.Press [MOVIE]qMOVIEInitialization &Amp assign 9.1ch (SB/FH/FW) & Input Mode Fixed HDMI·Input : HDMI / Output : Speakers (Front L/R)·Input : HDMI / Output : Pre OUT(Front L/R)( ※ As the input source, you can switch from DVD to other ones.)4.Press [DVD] wDVD (Main Zone)5A/D (signal) Path(Main Zone)Amp assign : 9.1ch (SB/FH/FW)SURROUND mode : Multi ch STEREOVol -20dBSpeaker Config : SSSSSSY(Front/Center/Surround/SourroundBack(2sp)/FrontHeight/FrontWide : Small, SW : Yes(2sp))Display:A 0 6 D V D1.Press [AVR]2.Press [ZONE SELECT], Select "MAIN"3.Press [MUSIC]qMUSICInitialization &Amp assign 9.1ch (SB/FH/FW) & SURROUND mode : Multi chSTEREO & Volume -20dB·Input : Analog / Output : Speakers (Front L/R)·Input : Analog / Output : Pre OUT(Front L/R), SW(20Hz)( ※ As the input source, you can switch from DVD to other ones.)4.Press [DVD] wDVD (Main Zone)6Amp Assign (signal) Path(Amp Assign : ZONE2)Amp assign : 7.1ch+ZONE2ZONE2 Function : SourceZone2 Vol -20dBDisplay:A 0 7 D V D1.Press [AVR]2.Press [ZONE SELECT], Select "MAIN"3.Press [GAME]qGAMEInitialization & Amp assign 7.1ch+ZONE2& SURROUND mode : Multi ch STEREO &ZONE2 Volume -20dB·Input : Analog / Output : Speakers (Front wide L/R)·Input : Analog / Output : Pre OUT (ZONE2 L/R)( ※ As the input source, you can switch from DVD to other ones.)4.Press [DVD] wDVD (Main Zone)7Amp Assign (signal) Path(Amp Assign : ZONE3)Amp assign : 5.1ch+ZONE2/3SURROUND mode : Multi ch STEREOZone3 Vol -20dBDisplay:A 0 8 D V D1.Press [AVR]2.Press [ZONE SELECT], Select "MAIN"3.Press [DIRECT]qDIRECTInitialization & Amp assign 5.1ch+ZONE2/3& SURROUND mode : Multi ch STEREO &ZONE3 Volume -20dB·Input : Analog / Output : Speakers (Front wide L/R)·Input : Analog / Output : Pre OUT (ZONE3 L/R)( ※ As the input source, you can switch from DVD to other ones.)4.Press [DVD] wDVD (Main Zone)fig.7fig.8fig.9fig.10fig.11fig.12fig.13fig.14fig.15fig.1635