90ErrorCode Details of Error code Display Coping strategies14 BlockWrite failed while rewriting Main. M a i n * * * m i nU p d a t i n g f a i l 1 4This unit automatically retries severaltimes. Wait until the FL display stops.If the FL display stops at the Errordisplay, press and hold the "Poweroperation (X)" button for five seconds.15 Error in Verify after rewriting Main(CheckSumError).M a i n * * * m i nU p d a t e C h e c k N G 1 5This unit automatically retries severaltimes. Wait until the FL display stops.If the FL display stops at the Errordisplay, press and hold the "Poweroperation (X)" button for five seconds.20 Unable to detect USB after SBLMode. C o n n e c t i o n f a i l2 0Disconnect and connect the USBmemory.21 No FirmwareFile in USB afterSBLMode.F i l e s N o t F o u n d2 1Disconnect and connect the USBmemory.22 FirmwareFile in USB after SBLModefor unsupported Model name/areaN o t M a t c h F i r m2 2Check the supported Model name/areafor the FirmwareFile.23 Failed to obtain entire Firmwareinformation after SBLMode.C o n n e c t i o n f a i l2 3Disconnect and connect the USBmemory.24 TimeOut while obtaining entireFirmware information after SBLModeC o n n e c t i o n f a i l2 4This unit automatically retries severaltimes. Wait until the FL display stops.If the FL display stops at the Errordisplay, press and hold the "Poweroperation (X)" button for five seconds.25 Failed to transit to SBLMode. C o n n e c t i o n f a i l2 5This unit automatically retries severaltimes. Wait until the FL display stops.If the FL display stops at the Errordisplay, press and hold the "Poweroperation (X)" button for five seconds.26 TimeOut in Download (writing toSDRAM) for FirmwareDownload D o w n l o a d f a i l2 6This unit automatically retries severaltimes. Wait until the FL display stops.If the FL display stops at the Errordisplay, press and hold the "Poweroperation (X)" button for five seconds.27 Failed to write to EEPROM afterSBLMode.C o n n e c t i o n f a i l2 7This unit automatically retries severaltimes. Wait until the FL display stops.If the FL display stops at the Errordisplay, press and hold the "Poweroperation (X)" button for five seconds.36 Unable to detect USB. M a i n * * * m i nC o n n e c t i o n F a i l 3 6This unit automatically retries severaltimes. Wait until the FL display stops.If the FL display stops at the Errordisplay, press and hold the POWERbutton for five seconds.37 No FirmwareFile in USB. M a i n * * * m i nF i l e s N o t F o u n d 3 7This unit automatically retries severaltimes. Wait until the FL display stops.If the FL display stops at the Errordisplay, press and hold the "Poweroperation (X)" button for five seconds.38 FirmwareFile in USB for unsupportedModel name/areaM a i n * * * m i nN o t M a t c h F i r m 3 8This unit automatically retries severaltimes. Wait until the FL display stops.If the FL display stops at the Errordisplay, press and hold the "Poweroperation (X)" button for five seconds.39 TimeOut in USBCheck M a i n * * * m i nC o n n e c t i o n F a i l 3 9This unit automatically retries severaltimes. Wait until the FL display stops.If the FL display stops at the Errordisplay, press and hold the "Poweroperation (X)" button for five seconds.3A Unable to detect USB forFirmwareDownload.M a i n * * * m i nC o n n e c t i o n F a i l 3 AThis unit automatically retries severaltimes. Wait until the FL display stops.If the FL display stops at the Errordisplay, press and hold the "Poweroperation (X)" button for five seconds.