14ENGLISHIn the stop mode, press the SETUP button.• The setup (default settings) screen appears.NOTE: For some menus, the initial values can bechanged during playback.LANGUAGE SETUPUse this to set the language to be used whenplaying the disc. If the set language is not offeredon that disc, the discs default language is set.And use this to set the language for the defaultsetting screen and messages displayed on the TVscreen (“PLAY”, etc.).DIGITAL INTERFACE SETUPUse this to set the output of DVI, HDMI,terminals.VIDEO SETUPUse this to set the DVD-2910’s screen mode.(TV aspect, TV type and AV1 video output.)AUDIO SETUPUse this to set the DVD-2910’s audio outputmode.(Digital and LPCM output settings.)RATINGSUse this to disable playback of adult DVDs sothat children cannot watch them. Note thatplayback of adult DVDs cannot be disabled if therating level is not recorded on the DVD, but thatit is possible to disable playback of all DVDs.OTHER SETUPThese include special settings such as CAPTIONS,WALL PAPER , etc,.8 CHANGING THE DEFAULT SETTINGSON / STANDBY1 12 Make the initial settings to suit your usage conditions before starting playback.The initial settings are retained until they are next changed, evenif the power is turned off.SELECTHDMI/DVIOPEN/SUPER AUDIOFORMATNTSC/PAL CLOSECD SETUPPROGRAM/DIRECTCLEARCALLSEARCH MODEAUDIOSUBTITLEANGLEPAGEMARKERRANDOMDIMMERZOOMPICUREADJUSTSETUPMEMORYA-BREPEATSELECTRC-985PURE DIRECTDISPLAYTOP MENURETURNMENUSKIPSLOW/SEARCHPLAYSTILL/PAUSESTOPPOWER OFFPOWER ON132ON / STANDBYMain unitON / STANDBYMain unitPOWER ONRemote control unit(Red)L ANGUAGE SE TUPSE L ECT : DEC I S I ON : ENTER BUT TOND I AL OGD I SC MENUSOSD LANGUAGEE X I T SE TUPSUBT I TL EENGL I SHENGL I SHENGL I SHENGL I SH✽ To exit the setup modeUse the ª cursor button to select “EXIT SETUP”, then press the ENTER button. It is also possible to quitby pressing the SETUP button on the remote control unit.SETUPRemote control unitRemote control unit(Green)21Turn on the power.• Press the power button, the power indicator lightsgreen and the power turns on.When pressed again, the power turns off andindicator is off.• In the standby mode (the power indicator lightsred), press the ON/STANDBY button on the mainunit or POWER ON button on the RC-985.3Use the 0 and 1 cursor buttons to select the desiredsetting item, then press the ENTER button.Select “LANGUAGE SETUP”. (See page 15.)Select “DIGITAL INTERFACE SETUP”. (See page 17.)Select “VIDEO SETUP”. (See page 18.)Select “AUDIO SETUP”. (See page 19.)Select “RATINGS”. (See page 22.)Select “OTHER SETUP” (See page 23.)Setup items for useBold characters indicate factory defaults.LANGUAGE SETUPDIALOGSUBTITLEDISC MENUSOSD LANGUAGEENGLISHFRENCHSPANISHGERMANITALIANOTHERSOFFENGLISHFRENCHSPANISHGERMANITALIANOTHERSENGLISHFRENCHSPANISHGERMANITALIANOTHERSENGLISHFRANÇAISESPAÑOLDEUTSCHVIDEO SETUPTV ASPECTTV TYPEVIDEO OUTPROGRESSIVEMODESQUEEZE MODEAV1 VIDEO OUT4:3 PS4:3 LBWIDE (16:9)NTSCPALMULTIPROGRESSIVEINTERLACEDAUTO1AUTO2VIDEO1VIDEO2VIDEO3OFFONVIDEOS-VIDEORGBDIGITAL INTERFACE SETUPHDMI/DVIBLACK LEVEL(without HDMI Y Cb Cr)HDMI AUDIO SETUPNORMALENHANCED2CHMULTI(NORMAL)MULTI(LPCM)SPEAKERCONFIGURATIONCHANNEL LEVELDELAY TIMEFRONT SPCENTER SPSUBWOOFERSURROUND SPTEST TONEFRONT LCHCENTERFRONT RCHSURROUND RCHSURROUND LCHSUBWOOFERDISTANCEFRONT LCHFRONT RCHCENTERSURROUND LCHSURROUND RCHSUBWOOFERDEFAULTLARGESMALLLARGESMALLNONEYESNOLARGESMALLNONEOFFAUTOMANUAL0 dB0 dB0 dB0 dB0 dB0 dBMETERSFEET3.6 m3.6 m3.6 m3.0 m3.0 m3.6 mONHDMI SPEAKER SETUP✽ The display depends on the connected device.