29ENGLISHWhen “LANGUAGE SETUP” is selected123See page 26.Use the • and ª cursor buttons to select the desired setting, then pressthe ENTER button.DIALOGUse this to set the language of the sound output from the speakers.SUBTITLEUse this to set the language of the subtitles displayed on the TV.DISC MENUSUse this to set the language of the menus recorded on the disc (topmenu, etc.).OSD LANGUAGEUse this to set the language for the default setting screen andmessages displayed on the TV screen(“PLAY”,etc.)Use the • and ª cursor buttons to select the desired setting, then pressthe ENTER button.q When “DIALOG” is selected:ENGLISH (Factory default)Select this when you want to play the DVD with the sound in English.FRENCHSelect this when you want to play the DVD with the sound in French.SPANISHSelect this when you want to play the DVD with the sound in Spanish.GERMANSelect this when you want to play the DVD with the sound in German.JAPANESESelect this when you want to play the DVD with the sound in Japanese.OTHERSUse the number buttons to input the language number.(See “Language code list” on page 31.)L ANGUAGE SE TUPDEC I S I ON : ENTER BUT TOND I AL OGD I SC MENUSE X I T SE TUPSUBT I TL EOSD LANGUAGESE L ECT :ENGL I SHOFFENGL I SHENGL I SHSELECTHDMI/DVIOPEN/SUPER AUDIOFORMATNTSC/PAL CLOSECD SETUPPROGRAM/DIRECTCLEARCALLSEARCH MODEAUDIOSUBTITLEANGLEPAGEMARKERRANDOMDIMMERZOOMPICUREADJUSTSETUPMEMORYA-BREPEATSELECTRC-972PURE DIRECTDISPLAYTOP MENURETURNMENUSKIPSLOW/SEARCHPLAYSTILL/PAUSESTOPBACK LIGHTPOWER OFFPOWER ON11, 2, 31L ANGUAGE SE TUPDEC I S I ON : ENTER BUT TOND I AL OGD I SC MENUSE X I T SE TUPSUBT I TL EENGL I SHF RENCHSPANI SHJAPANESEGERMANOTHERSOSD LANGUAGESE L ECT :Remote control unit Remote control unitRemote control unit Remote control unit