25Barcode Handy TerminalIf Scandisk finds an invalid file(s), the right screen will appear.(As long as an invalid file exits, the screen displays every time the BHTSystem is started up.)(Refer to “About “$$BRKLST.SYS” on the following page.)4. Press the ENT key to start up the BHT System.Scandisk when the resume function is enabledIf Scandisk runs when the resume function is enabled, the screen given rightmay appear.The BHT displays the screen for three seconds and then automatically runsthe execution program from the beginning.(The screen may also appear when the calendar clock built in the BHT stops,even without running Scandisk.) Point The resume function is used to return the display to the status (screen) when the power was lastturned OFF when the power is next turned ON.Resume function settings are made at the “SET SYSTEM” menu. Refer to “Chapter 4 SystemOperation” - “4.5.5 System Environment Settings (SET SYSTEM Menu)” for further details.