912D Code Handy Terminal2. Use the cursor keys ([▲] [▼]) or numerical keys ([1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]) to select the item tobe set.3. Use the cursor keys ([◄] [►]) to select settings value.4. Press the ENT key or BS/C key for the settings value to be valid and then return to the SET 2DCODE screen.“2:iQRCODE”:Detailed settings for iQR Code1. Select “2:iQRCODE” at SET 2D CODE menu and then press the ENTkey.SET iQRCODE screen displays.(Concatenated iQR code settings )“1:READING”:Enable/disable concatenated iQR CodeFor iQR Codes, there is a function where data is coded after being spilitinto a maximum of 16 segments and original data is restored when thecodes are read. These segmented codes asre called concatenatedcodes.“2:EDIT MODE”:Set the scan mode of concatenated iQR Code.“EDIT”: Edit modeThe data is stored in memory when all segmented codes have been read.A reading error occurs if the volume of data exceeds 65,280 bytes. The beeper sounds at 500 msintervals, and all read data is discarded.“NON-EDIT”: Unedited modeThe data is stored in memory each time a segmented code is read.In edit mode, when the first code of the concatenated code is read the beeper sounds twice and thesystem enters concatenated code reading status.When subsequent concatenated codes are read the beeper sounds once. After the final code hasbeen read, the beeper sounds three times and reading is complete.- Point - z If iQR codes other than concatenated codes are read during concatenated code readingthen concatenated code reading ends, the read concatenated codes are discarded, andthe data for the last iQR codes read is saved.z When the illuminating indicator LED is set to OFF in trigger switch operation (Auto-offmode, Momentary mode, and alternate) or when the raeding of the next concatenated codeis not completed within approx. 3 seconds in modes other than Auto-off mode, the dataread so far is cleared and concatenated code reading ends.z When other concatenated codes are read before a concatenated code has been readcompletely, the data read so far is cleared and reading begins on the new code.