1392D Code Handy TerminalPING Echo Request Transmission Timing (SEND TYPE)Two types of echo request send timings are available: TYPE 1 and TYPE 2.ν TYPE1After sending an echo request, PING waits for the period specified at INTERVAL and then sends an echorequest again. For TYPE 1, the relationship between the INTERVAL and TIMEOUT should be“INTERVAL ≥ TIMEOUT.”ν TYPE2After sending an echo request, PING waits for an echo reply to be received or for a timeout to occur.Following that, PING waits for the period specified at INTERVAL and then sends the next PING echorequest. For TYPE 2, no relationship between the INTERVAL and TIMEOUT is required.If PING receives an echo reply:If a timeout occurs:Sends an echo requestReceives an echo replyTimeout periodIntervalSends an echo requestSends an echo requestReceives an echo replyIntervalSends an echo requestSends an echo requestTimeout periodTimeout occursIntervalSends an echo request