177Barcode Handy Terminal5.4 Basic Communication Specifications andParameters5.4.1 Basic Communication SpecificationsThe table below lists the basic infrared communication specifications for the BHT-805BWB.IrDA InterfaceSynchronization Start-stopTransmission speed 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200, 460800 (Note1) or 4M (Note2) bpsTransmission code ASCII 8-bit codeTransmission bit order LSB (Least significant bit) firstVertical parity NoneNote1: 460800 bps is only possible when communicating from one BHT-805BWB unit to another, orto the CU-821.Note2: 4 Mbps is only possible for communication with the dedicated CU-811 unit. SynchronizationFor accurate data transaction, it is necessary to synchronize transmission between the sender andreceiver. To achieve this, the bit order and position, character length, and beginning and end of thecharacter to be transmitted must be defined beforehand.Start-stop synchronization is an asynchronous system that synchronizes each character as a unit; that is,it externally adds start and stop bits to the leading and trailing bit positions of the character to betransmitted, respectively. Data sampling is commenced upon receiving the start bit, and when the stop bitis received, sampling is completed and communication ceased. The number of stop bits can be selected(1 or 2 bits). Transmission SpeedThis is the maximum number of bits that can be transmitted per second, and is expressed in bps (bits persecond). IrDA Interface Communication RangeThe maximum effective range of the IrDA interface is 0.15 m, with the IR beam within a 10° angle ofdivergence.To communicate via the CU-800, put the BHT on the CU-800. IrDA Interface Transmission/Receipt Switching TimeThe IrDA interface must satisfy the following conditions for transmission and receipt switching.(1) The IrDA interface must be ready to receive within 10 ms following the completion of transmission.(2) The IrDA interface must commence transmission after waiting at least 10 ms following the completionof receipt.