77Barcode Handy Terminal “2: PROTOCAL TYPE”: Setting the communication protocol type1. Select “2: PROTOCOL TYPE” at the SET COMMUNICATIONmenu and then press the ENT key.The PROTOCOL TYPE menu screen on the right displays.The highlighted setting will be the current setting.“1: Ymodem”:Selects Ymodem when uploading/downloading in System Mode or forthe execution of the XFILE statement in BHT-BASIC.“2: BHT Protocol”:Selects the BHT-protocol when uploading/downloading in System Modeor for the execution of the XFILE statement in BHT-BASIC.“3: BHT-Ir Protocol”:Selects the BHT-Ir protocol when uploading/downloading in SystemMode or for the execution of the XFILE statement in BHT-BASIC.To make changes, use the cursor keys ([▲] [▼]) or numerical keys ([1] [2] [3]) to highlight the setting item,and then press the ENT key.To use the BHT-BASIC 4.0 Transfer Utility, select Ymodem or BHT-Ir protocol.Press the BS/C key to return to the SET COMMUNICATION menu.