43Barcode Handy TerminalSeveral directory management program examples are given below.The names of the files used in these examples are as follows.MAIN.PD4 : Program to be executed by pressing the Power key ( ) onlySUBMAIN.PD4 : Program chained from MAIN.PD4 using the BHT-BASIC CHAINstatementUSER.PD4 : New programAAAAAAAA.DAT : Data file 1 used at the user programBBBBBBBB.DAT : Data file 2 used at the user program (Example 1) When downloading the MAIN.PD4 and SUBMAIN.PD4 upgrade versionIn the above case, the registration order does not change and therefore MAIN.PD4 starts up by pressingthe Power key ( ). (Example 2) When newly downloading USER.PD4 after deleting BBBBBBBB.DATIn the above case, USER.PD4 is registered after BBBBBBBB.DAT, and therefore USER.PD4 will bethe first registered program. Press the Power key ( ) to start up USER.PD4.• MAIN.PD4(Upgrade ver.)• SUBMAIN.PD4(Upgrade ver.)DownloadAAAAAAAA.DATBBBBBBBB.DATMAIN.PD4SUBMAIN.PD4:::Directory infoAAAAAAAA.DATBBBBBBBB.DATMAIN.PD4SUBMAIN.PD4:::Directory infoAAAAAAAA.DATBBBBBBBB.DATMAIN.PD4SUBMAIN.PD4:::Directory infoUSER.PD4DownloadAAAAAAAA.DATUSER.PD4MAIN.PD4SUBMAIN.PD4:::Directory infoDelete