www.desatech.com109889-01B 13Securing Hearth Base to Floor1. Position hearth base in desired location. Markholes for drilling (see Figure 16). Removehearth base.2. For carpeted floor, make a small cut with asharp knife at marked locations before drill-ing. If securing to a wood floor, drill a 3/4"deep hole using a 1/8" diameter drill bit. Donot use anchors in wood floors. If securing toa concrete floor, drill a 13/8" deep hole usinga 1/4" diameter concrete drill bit. Completelyinsert anchors into each hole.3. Mount heater to hearth base following stepsunder Mounting Heater to Optional HearthBase. After mounting heater, position heaterand hearth base over drilled holes. With slottedscrewdriver, secure hearth base to floor withfour wood screws.INSTALLATIONContinuedFigure 17 - Placing Hearth Insert onHeater Base and Attaching Brass BaseTrimBrassBaseTrimFigure 16 - Attaching Heater to HearthBaseBaseHoles forSecuringHeater to FloorShippingScrewBottom of HeaterHearthInsertLaminate SheetScrewSheet Metal ScrewMountingHolesMounting Heater to Optional Hearth Base1. Lay heater on its back on a table with the bottomof heater overhanging the edge of the table.2. Remove 2 shipping screws in bottom of heater.Discard shipping screws.3. Line up mounting holes on top of hearth basewith holes in bottom of heater (see Figure 16).4. Using a Phillips screwdriver, secure hearthbase to heater with four sheet metal screws(see Figure 16).5. Stand heater up on base.6. Place hearth insert in hearth base as shown inFigure 17.7. Assemble brass trim (see steps 1 through 7under Assembling and Attaching Brass Trim,page 6).8. Slide base trim on heater base. Attach brasstrim to base with two brass screws includedas shown in Figure 17.C. MOUNTING HEATER WITH OPTIONALHEARTH BASE (IF APPLICABLE) TOOPTIONAL MANTELSee Instructions Included With Mantel Kit.Assembling MantelIMPORTANT: Only use the optional mantelsspecified in this manual. See Accessories, page 26for proper mantel kits. This heater is only approvedfor use with models GMF800 series / GMU801 se-ries, GM900F series / GM901U series, GM700F/GM701U series, GMC22F/GMC23U/GMC24Useries, GMC32F/GMC33U series, GMC34F/GMC35U series and GMC26F/GMC27U/GMC28F series mantel kits. Using any othermantel will void the CSA approval for this heater.Do not use models GMF800/GMU801 series,GM900F/GM901U series, GM700F/GM701Useries, GMC22F/GMC23U/GMC24U series,GMC32F/GMC33U series, GMC26F/GMC27U/GMC28F series and GMC34F/GMC35U seriesmantels with any other product. If the metal baseis required with your mantel, the heater must bemounted on the base first.