Charge Your Home KeyTo charge your Home Key, just slide it into the Base StationSlide Channel until it clicks. If the Home Key needs charging, thegreen light on the left side of the Base Station will blink. Whenthe green light no longer blinks, the Home Key is fully charged.It takes about three hours for a full charge.Home Key Power Save OptionsThe Home Key shows you the status of your home on its screenbecause it receives periodic wireless updates from the BaseStation. When it is “awake” and in range it constantly checksfor updates. When sleeping, the default setting is 1minupdates. The Home Key will flash green each time it getsan update. Customizing how often your key requests updateswhen asleep can extend how long your Home Key lasts beforeneeding recharging. Quick updates give you a more responsivesystem, but use more battery power. Hourly updates use lessbattery power.Getting the Most Out of Home Heartbeat