Installing Battery Cabinets3-11EATON Powerware ® 9390 Integrated Battery Cabinet (Models IBC-S and IBC-L) Installation Manual 164201536 Rev Remove the cosmetic cover and hanger brackets from the appropriate side orsides of the battery cabinets, depending on the position of the cabinets. Savecovers, screws, and brackets for later use.7. Roll the next battery cabinet to be joined to an area near the appropriate side ofthe first battery cabinet.8. Push the battery cabinet to be joined towards the first battery cabinet until thedoors are flush with each other.9. Secure the battery cabinet position by lowering the leveling feet until cabinet isnot resting on the casters. Ensure the cabinet is level and matches the height ofthe first installed battery cabinet.NOTE Two cabinet joining brackets are provided in the field kit for securing eachcabinet at the top and bottom. A small flat bracket joins the top of the cabinets, and alarger angle bracket joins the cabinets at the bottom. The flat bracket is attached to thecabinet tops first.10. Locate the small flat bracket from the field kit. Align the holes in the flat bracketover the two holes in the top front of the cabinets. Secure the bracket to thecabinets with screws from the field kit (see Figure 3‐3).11. Locate the large angle bracket from the field kit. Place one end of the bracketover the bolt on the bottom side of the lower left‐hand hinge on the adjacentbattery cabinet, and secure the bracket to the hinge with hardware from the fieldkit (see Figure 3‐4).12. Align the holes in the other end of the bracket with the holes in the bottomright-hand side of the next battery cabinet (see Figure 3‐4). Secure the bracketwith hardware from the field kit.13. Route the ground wire (from the field kit) from the ground stud in one batterycabinet, under the lower battery tray and through the cabinet-to-cabinet cableaccess area in the side of the cabinets, and attach to the ground stud in the otherbattery cabinet (see Figure 3‐4 and Figure 3‐5). Hardware is provided on eachground stud.14. If installing additional battery cabinets, repeat Steps 6 through 13 to join eachadditional battery cabinet; otherwise, proceed to Step 15.15. If not already installed, mount the hanger brackets to the top appropriate side ofthe last battery cabinet using M4 screws (see Figure 3‐5).16. If not already installed, hang the side panel on the hanger brackets and align withthe front and rear of the battery cabinet.17. If not already secured, secure the side panel at the bottom using M4 hex-headscrews previously removed.18. Proceed to paragraph 3.3.4.