CLIInformation – 250CONTEXT SENSITIVE HELP[?] - Display context sensitive help. This is either a list of possiblecommand completions with summaries, or the full syntax of thecurrent command. A subsequent repeat of this key, when a commandhas been resolved, will display a detailed reference.AUTO-COMPLETIONThe following keys both perform auto-completion for the current command line.If the command prefix is not unique then the bell will ring and a subsequentrepeat of the key will display possible completions.[enter] - Auto-completes, syntax-checks then executes a command. If there isa syntax error then offending part of the command line will behighlighted and explained.[space] - Auto-completes, or if the command is already resolved inserts a space.MOVEMENT KEYS[CTRL-A] - Move to the start of the line[CTRL-E] - Move to the end of the line.[up] - Move to the previous command line held in history.[down] - Move to the next command line held in history.[left] - Move the insertion point left one character.[right] - Move the insertion point right one character.DELETION KEYS[CTRL-C] - Delete and abort the current line[CTRL-D] - Delete the character to the right on the insertion point.[CTRL-K] - Delete all the characters to the right of the insertion point.[CTRL-U] - Delete the whole line.[backspace] - Delete the character to the left of the insertion point.ESCAPE SEQUENCES!! - Substitute the last command line.!N - Substitute the Nth command line (absolute as per 'history' command)!-N - Substitute the command line entered N lines before (relative)7.7.3 get release info7.7.3.1 DescriptionDisplays certain basic information related to the firmware release. Helpget_release_info-d Get current release date-s Get current release sha1-t Get current release time-v Get current release version number