M-Max Series adjustable frequency drive20 For more information visit: www.eaton.com MN04020002EFebruary 2010ParametersControl unitThe following figure shows and indicates the elements of the M-Max’s Seriesintegrated control unit.Figure 9: View: Control Unit With LCD Display, Function Keys, and InterfaceTable 6: Control Unit ElementsOperating UnitElement Explanation OperatingUnit Element Explanation• Backlit liquidcrystal display(LCD)• Plain text withalphanumericcharacters• Select function andparameter• Reduce numerical value• Switch to individualparameter groups(... S4.1 - P1.1 - P2.1 - P3.1 ...)• Select individual digits inmulti-digit display• Acknowledge faultmessage (Reset)• Activates theselection for themenu levels( flashes)Switch between thedifferent control levels(I/O – KEYPAD – BUS) • Stops the running motor(P6.16)• With the menu level active( flashing) you can loadthe default settings (pressand hold the key for fiveseconds). This clears thefault memory (FLT).• Select function andparameter• Increase numericalvalue• Confirm andactivate selection(store)• Lock displayMotor start with selecteddirection of rotation (onlyactive in KEYPAD controllevel)Interface for communication(Option: MMX-COM-PC)REFFWD REV I/O KEYPAD BUSMONPARFLTREADY RUN STOP ALARM FAULTBACKRESETLOCREMOK I