Eaton Corporation Page 69 Ver 1.1Operation Condition Messages DescriptionsCommunication failurebetween microprocessors SCI failure Communication between MCU inside isabnormalDC bus voltage istoo high High DC bus The DC BUS inside is higher than expectedGFCI detection abnormal GFCI Failure The GFCI detection circuit is abnormalResistance stick abnormal Damp Failure The function of resistance stick is abnormal11.2 Trouble Shooting ActionsTrouble shooting action for System Faults MessagesA) Isolation FaultConditions: The resistance between the PV + or PV – and grounding isoutside the permissible range, <2MΩ.Corrective Actions: Restart the inverter again. If fault still occurs after the unit is restarted, contact the systeminstaller immediately Ask the system installer to check if the PV Inverter and PV Modulesare properly insulated throughout the solar system.B) Grid FaultConditions: The grid voltage or grid frequency of the PV Inverter is notwithin the permissible range. This can be caused by improper connectionof the AC side; wrong setting of the utility dip switch or the local gridcondition is out of acceptable range.Corrective Actions: Check the grid voltage and frequency reading from the LCD displays If the detected grid voltage is within permissible range, restart thePV Inverter and try again. If fault remains, contact the systeminstaller to check the grid voltage and cable connections betweenPV Inverter and Utility system. If detected grid voltage is out of permissible range, contact thesystem installer to check the feed-in AC voltage and contact theutility operator for further action.