SEFELEC1500M Instructions 101 V1.06On the Image line press Edit to display the image list. Scroll through the list of available imagesand select by pressing the name of the image.If there are no images in the device or to import new ones:• Copy image files in JPEG or PNG format from a PC to a USB flash drive. It is recommended tolimit the size of images <1MB.• Eject the USB key from the PC• Put the USB key containing the images in one of the USB connectors on the front of the device• Go to the home menu (House icon)• Press the key with the Floppy Disk icon• On the USB memory line press Install• Tap the House icon• Return to Sequence mode• Click on the Message area of the Message Image line• Image Line press Edit• Press Add to Library ...• The list of available images on the USB flash drive is displayed in the Image window• Scroll through the names and select the file by pressing its name• If the image file already exists, you will be offered to replace it or cancel the operationNOTEBefore removing the USB flash drive from the device, go back to the Homemenu, then the Floppy disk menu and eject the USB flash drive.