SEFELEC1500M Instructions 55 V1.067.5. SELECTING THE MEGOHM PER KILOMETER MODEThe SEFELEC1500M proposes to indicate cable resistance values expressed as insulation perkilometre, with this formulation generally being that specified in the manufacturer's specificationsor the standards. Cables can be comprised of several independent conductors connected to-gether in parallel for the measurement and the device will recalculate the value for 1 conductor.The insulation value displayed is the result of the following calculation:Rdisplayed = (Rmeasured x Length in metres x Number of wires) / 1,000Press the active area of the "" line to activate and configure this mode:Activate or deactivate the mode by selecting ON or OFF.Then enter the cable length in metres and the number of cables in parallel.For example:A cable 100 metres long with 5 conductors in parallel gives an insulation value of 500 MΩ innormal mode.If the function is activated we then obtain a displayed value of:Rdisplay = (500 MΩ x 100 m x 5) / 1,000 = 2,500 MΩ.KM = 2.5 GΩ.KM