SEFELEC1500M Instructions 78 V1.06The device proposes three measurement speeds and two measurement configurations on ca-pacitive circuits:➢ NORMAL: 5 measurements are averaged for each display with 3 displays per second➢ SLOW: 15 measurements are averaged for each display with 1 display per second.➢ FAST: 1 measurement for each display with 10 displays per second.➢ CABLE and CAPACITOR: these measurement modes have the same speed character-istics as in normal mode but they make use of analogue and software processing in orderto allow for stable measurements on highly capacitive circuits.o In both CABLE and CAPACITOR modes the measurement range will be limitedfrom 0.010 nA to 20.00 mAo Selection of the CABLE or CAPACITOR modes is indicated by a cable reel or acapacitor symbol in the main measurement window left hand side corner.CABLE icon:CAPACITOR icon:o The CABLE mode is more particularly intended for capacitance measurementsin disturbed environments (cable reels, machines in workshops, etc.).o The CAPACITOR mode is intended for measurements on capacitive compo-nents in the laboratory environment. In this mode, the automatic searchingrange function will start from the 20mA to the 2nA ranges but it will not go backunless a short-circuit on the high voltage generator output. It is mandatory togo in discharge mode by pressing the STOP button before disconnecting theDUT.