16Instruction Booklet IB32267ARCEffective December 2010VacClad-W 38 kV arc-resistantswitchgear indoor housingseaton Corporation www.eaton.comArc-resistant features are intended to provide an additional degreeof protection to the personnel performing normal operating duties inclose proximity to the equipment while the equipment is operatingunder normal conditions Several conditions must be met for theequipment to perform as required These conditions are considerednormal operating conditions for proper application of arc-resistantswitchgear designs and are as follows:a. All doors and covers providing access to high voltagecomponents are properly closed and latchedb. Arc skirt assembly is properly installed on top of theswitchgear, when applicablec. Pressure relief devices are free to operated. The fault energy available to the equipment does notexceed the rating of the equipment (short-circuit currentand duration)e. There are no obstructions around the equipment thatcould direct the arc fault products into an area intendedto be protectedf. The equipment is properly groundedThe equipment may be used without additional protection where thefault level and the fault duration are within the equipment ratingsWhen coupled with other protective schemes, selected to operatewithin the rated duration of the equipment, the damaging effectsof the arcing fault associated with fault duration can be minimizedFor further review of the nature of internal arcing faults and variousmitigating techniques, refer to application paper, “Strategies forMitigating Internal Arc Faults in Medium Voltage Metal-EnclosedSwitchgear,” prepared by Working Group members of IEEE standardC37 20 78.2 Description of breaker compartment door featuresand interlocksRefer to Figure 171. Shipping braceRemove the orange shipping brace before breaker is put intoservice, but only after the enclosure is in its final and permanentposition The safety flap must remain open during normal breakeroperation in order to provide adequate ventilation Do not put abreaker into service with the safety flap closed The safety flapwill automatically close in the event of an internal arc Failure toremove the shipping brace will prevent automatic closure of thesafety flap during an internal arc2. Instrument compartment doorThe instrument door must be closed when breaker is in service3. Breaker compartment doorAll connection and disconnection of the breaker must be donewith the door closed The breaker door is interlocked with thebreaker to prevent opening of the door while the breaker isconnected The door can only be opened when the breakerhas been completely racked out to the test position A secondinterlock prevents the racking in of the breaker if the door isnot closed4. Safety noteImportant note: All doors and panels must be properly closedand fastened for the arc-resistant feature of the switchgearto be operativeDynamicFlapFigure 17. Breaker Compartment Door Features and Interlocksa Shipping Braceb Instrument Compartment Doorc Breaker Compartment Doord Safety Notee Levering Crank Openingf Open Pushbuttong Close Pushbuttonh Sliding Windowi Slot in Windowj Fixed Windowk Phosphorescent Connected Positionl Door Lock Defeatm Pressure Relief Roof Flapsn Levering Cranko Manual Spring Charging Leverp Door Locking Bolts