4Instruction Booklet IB32267ARCEffective December 2010VacClad-W 38 kV arc-resistantswitchgear indoor housingseaton Corporation www.eaton.comSection 2: installing indoor switchgear2.1 Outline of installation procedure1. Prepare the installation foundation It is recommended that floorchannels be embedded in the foundation to maintain a level surface2. At the factory, the switchgear lineup may have been dividedinto groups to facilitate shipping At the installation site, thegroups must be rejoined to form the switchgear lineup Alignthe groups, side-by-side, using the tie-bolt holes3. Bolt the groups together through the tie bolt holes4. Bolt or weld the base members of the vertical section frame,front and rear, to the foundation channels5. Remove all shipping braces6. Connect the ground bus7. Connect the high voltage bus between the shipping group8. Connect the control wires9. Replace the metal barriers in the bus compartments10. Connect the main power cables and fully insulate the terminalsfor the voltage class (see section on storage of equipment)11. Replace the rear covers on all the vertical sections12. All 38 kV arc-resistant switchgear assemblies require an arc skirtassembly to be installed above the roof of the switchgear for arcexpulsion containment13. Check the operation of the levering-in system in the breakercompartments14. Check the potential transformers and the control powertransformers in the auxiliary compartments15. Perform loading check on both control and primary circuits toensure that the system is ready for operation2.2 Details of the installation1. Prepare the foundationReview the floor plan drawings supplied for the order and thefollowing instructions carefullya. The minimum recommended clearances at the front, rear,and sides of the switchgear are shown in Figure 2 Locatethe foundation so there is adequate space at the front, rear,and sides of the switchgear lineup Leave at least 6 6 feet(2m) of unobstructed space above the roof of the switchgearfor arc expulsion When applicable, an arc skirt is installedwithin this space No electrical equipment should be locatedabove the switchgear without proper protection suitable towithstand arc expulsionb. Make sure that the foundation is flat, level, and in true planec. Design the foundation so it will be strong enough to supportthe weight of the switchgear without sagging Table 1 givesthe weights of the various ratings of switchgear and breakersBe sure to take into account the shock or impact weightthat occurs when the breaker trips and when it closesThe impact weight is 1 5 times the weight of the breakerThe weights in the tables are only an approximation Theactual weight will vary, depending on the type and theamount of equipment in the switchgear Use adequatesafety factorsd. The recommended foundation consists of steel channelsembedded in a level concrete floor The channels must lie ina flat and level plane A slope of 0 125 inch (3 175 mm) in 3feet (0 9m) in any direction is acceptable In no case may thenon-supporting areas of the foundation be higher than thetops of the steel channelsThe anchor bolts, channels, and other materials are tobe furnished by the purchaser of the switchgear A4 00-inch (101 6 mm) structural channel is recommendedas the minimum size for the average indoor switchgear systemIf unit substation transformers or high voltage switchesare part of the installation, be sure that the floor steelunder the transformer conforms to the specifications oftheir manufacturerse. Install the conduits in the foundationWhen the primary and secondary cables enter the switchgearfrom below, the conduits that carry them are embedded inthe foundation A floor plan drawing is furnished with eachorder Use this drawing to determine the conduit locationsAvoid circling of steel around single-phase cables rated 600Aor more to prevent overheating due to induced currents