5Instruction Booklet IB32267ARCEffective December 2010VacClad-W 38 kV arc-resistantswitchgear indoor housingseaton Corporation www.eaton.comFigure 2. Typical Indoor Base Plan2. Align the shipping groups side-by-side on the foundationa. Remove the crating and packaging material from the groupsof switchgear that are going to be installedb. Let the shipping skids remain on each group until the grouphas been moved into its final installation position (The skidshelp to protect the switchgear and to reduce the risk that itwill be damaged or distorted during the move )c. If an odd number of groups are to be installed, install themiddle one first Then install the other groups, working outfrom the middleIf an even number of groups are to be installed, start with agroup on either side of the middle shipping breakIf a unit substation or a power center is being installed, lineup the power transformer and the adjacent switchgear groupfirst Set them in the position called for on the drawing of thebase plan Then install the rest of the groupsd. Handling the switchgear by crane is the preferred methodIf no crane is available, the groups may be moved on theskids and rollersMove the first group into position Line up the bolt holes inthe base of the vertical sections with the bolt holes in thesteel channels in the foundationA few inches in front of the lineup, draw a baseline alongthe length of the intended location of the switchgear As thegroups are maneuvered into place, keep the front of eachgroup parallel to the baselinee. A bolt at each end of the wooden skids holds them to thebase of the group Lift and remove the bolts, and discardthe skidsf. Set the group into its installation position Use a level tomake sure the group is level across its depth and along itslength Use a plumb line to make sure the group is plumb(To level or plumb the group, use shims at the points wherethe vertical sections will be bolted to the floors )Move each group into position and repeat the precedingsteps3. Bolt the groups together through the tie bolt holesa. Open rear doors (or remove rear covers) of the cells on sideof the shipping split Install tie bolts between the shippingsplits Refer to Figure 3 for the tie bolt locations There arefive tie bolt locations at the rear of the rear-module There arefour tie bolt locations at the rear of the mid-module After alltie bolts are installed, tighten the boltsb. Refer to Section 8 3 for instructions for breaker compart-ment door Open all front doors Insert and tighten tie boltsbetween the front upright members at each shipping splitThere are five tie bolt locations at the front and one locationat the rear of the mid-module There are five tie bolt locationsat the front and two locations at the rear of the front-module( ) = Diagram dimensions in mma Anchor locations: indoor—0.5–13 inch bolts or weld, outdoor—0.5–13 inch bolts.b Secondary conduit space: All—maximum of 1.00 inch (25.4) projection.c Recommended minimum clearance to front of VacClad-W: 84 inches (2133.6).d Recommended minimum clearance to LH or RH side of VacClad-W: 38 inches (965.2).e Recommended minimum clearance to rear of VacClad-W: 42 inches (1066.8).f Station ground connection provision.g Finished foundation surface (including floor steel) must be flat and level and in true planeh Primary conduit area for top or bottom entry.i 4 inch (102 mm) channel