CLIInformation – 2428.7.3 get release info8.7.3.1 DescriptionDisplays certain basic information related to the firmware release. Helpget_release_info-d Get current release date-s Get current release sha1-t Get current release time-v Get current release version number8.7.3.3 Specifics8.7.3.4 Access rights per profilesAdministrator Operator Viewerget release info8.7.4 history8.7.4.1 DescriptionDisplays recent commands executed on the card. Helphistory Display the current session's command line history(by default displaylast 10 commands) integer> Set the size of history list (zero means unbounded). Example 'history6' display the 6 last command8.7.4.3 Specifics8.7.4.4 Access rights per profilesAdministrator Operator ViewerhistoryYou are using an UNLICENSED copy of Scroll PDF Exporter for Confluence. Do you find Scroll PDF Exporter useful? Consider purchasing it today: