CLIInformation – 243•••8.7.5 logout8.7.5.1 DescriptionLogout the current user. Helplogout logout the user8.7.5.3 Specifics8.7.5.4 Access rights per profilesAdministrator Operator Viewerlogout8.7.6 maintenance8.7.6.1 DescriptionCreates a maintenance report file which may be handed to the technical support. Helpmaintenance Create maintenance report file.-h, --help Display help page8.7.6.3 Examples of usageGenerate the maintenance report by running the "maintenance" command.Then retrieve the report from the card using SCP8. From a linux host:sshpass -p $PASSWORD scp $USER@$ . From a Windows host:pscp -scp -pw $PASSWORD $USER@$ pscp tools from putty)Where:$USER is user name (the user shall have administrator profile)$PASSWORD is the user password$CARD_ADDRESS is IP or hostname of the cardYou are using an UNLICENSED copy of Scroll PDF Exporter for Confluence. Do you find Scroll PDF Exporter useful? Consider purchasing it today: