Installation i-on1000EXPage 14Figure 21 Lid/Back TamperItem 4 in Figure 3 shows the connector for thelid/back tamper.Note that to be approved at Security Grade 3, youmust fit the lid/back tamper.Step 2. Run Bus CablePlease read Bus Cabling Requirements on page10.Step 3. Fit and Connect theKeypad(s)Siting the Keypad(s)Please refer to page 3 for general guidelines.Fitting KeypadsSelect which cable entry you are going to use andbreak out the appropriate plastic sections.Use 4mm x 25mm countersunk screws with athread suitable for the wall material in at leastthree fixing holes when mounting the back of thekeypad on the wall.i-KP01For i-KP01 keypads on Grade 3 systems, drill outthe hole for the back tamper using a 7mm bit (seeFigure 22).Figure 22 Screw i-KP01 Back Box to WallKEY-K01/KP01/KPZ01For KEY-K01/KP01/KPZ01 Security Grade 3installation:1. Hold the backplate in place against the walland mark the position of the hole in thetamper block (see Figure 23).2. Drill and plug the hole, and screw thebackplate to the wall through the tamper blockusing the screw provided. Do not tighten thescrew completely home.3. Make sure the backplate is level and mark,drill and plug at least three other fixing holes.Screw the backplate to the wall through thefixing holes using the M4 screws.4. For Security Grade 3 installation, cut theplastic webs connecting the tamper block tothe remainder of the baseplate.Note: If you do not cut the webs, the tamperswitch will not operate if the complete keypadis forced off the wall. The keypad will notcomply with Grade 3 requirements.5. Mount the front of the keypad (containing thekeypad PCB) onto the backplate and makesure that the tamper switch operates.Figure 23 Screw KEY-K01/KEY-KPZ01 Back Boxto WallConnecting KeypadsFigure 24 shows the wiring connections at thekeypad and control unit.Figure 24 Connecting a Keypad to the Bus