Before You Begin i-on1000EXPage 4Do NOT site the unit: In the entry or exit areas, or outside the areacovered by the alarm system. Close to or on large metal structures. Closer than one metre to mains wiring, metalwater or gas pipes, or other metal surfaces. Lower than two metres from the floor (ideally). Inside metal enclosures. Next to electronic equipment, particularlycomputers, photocopiers or other radioequipment, CAT 5 data lines or industrialmains equipment.Note: Some window glasses, especially thosesold as “insulating” or “energy conserving” may becoated with thin metal or conducting films. Theseglasses are particularly poor at transmitting radiowaves.Guided TourCAUTION: All printed circuit boards for thei-on1000EX, its expanders and keypads havebeen tested for Electromagnetic Compatibility(EMC). However, when handling the PCBs youmust take the standard precautions for handlingstatic-sensitive devices.The Control UnitTo gain access to the interior of the control unit,undo the screw at the bottom of the lid. Slide thelid vertically up, then swing the bottom of the lidout before moving the lid down and away from thecase.Figure 1 Opening the Control Unit.WARNING: When connected to the mains withpower applied, mains voltages are present on theshrouded heads of the terminal screws of themains connector.