Installation i-on1000EXPage 22tamper switch in the loudspeaker to the controlunit.Expanders provide connections for only oneloudspeaker. Do not connect another loudspeakerin parallel. You may connect another loudspeakerin series, but this will decrease the maximumvolume from the speakers.Note: Loudspeakers are not warning devices asdescribed by EN50131-4. Although loudspeakersmay mimic alarm tones, they also give alert tonesand other progress tones when setting andunsetting the alarm system.Figure 45 Wiring Loudspeakers.Output on KEY-KPZ01Figure 46 shows the wiring required to connect anoutput the output terminal on the KEY-KPZ01.Figure 46 KEY-KPZ01 Output WiringStep 8. Fit a Plug-ByCommunicatorThe control unit can be connected to a separatecommunicator or speech dialler (for example, theScantronic 8400, 660 or RedCare STU). Figure 47shows the connections provided by thecommunications wiring harness. Note that theoutput types shown in Figure 47 are the Factorydefault types. See the Engineering Guide fordetails on how to change the defaults.Figure 47 Plug-By Communicator WiringNote: Comms O/P4 will be active when thesystem is unset. This is normal.To fit a communicator, follow the instructionsbelow.Caution: Follow the instructions in the ordershown, or you may damage thecontrol unit and/or communicator.1. Disconnect mains power from the control unit,remove the case lid, and disconnect thebattery (if the system has already beeninstalled).2. Make any necessary connections from thecommunicator to the communication wiringharness. The default is a 12V positive voltagewhen the output is inactive.Refer to the next section if you are using adual-path communicator.3. Plug the Communication Wiring Harness ontothe communications connector on the mainPCB.If the system has already been installed:4. Re-connect the battery.5. Fit the case lid.6. Apply mains power.7. Test communicator operation.Note: You will need to speak to the ARC in orderto confirm that the communicator has workedcorrectly.-LS1+ AUXTAMP1+LS-LS16 Ohm minimumTypical loudspeakerfor example 09040RS4850V 12V A B OP1K0 Ohm ResistorLED (Light Emitting Diode)Com Connector Cable,Part number 485210Con 4Con 312V (Red)0V (Black)Tell Back input (White/Orange)Line Fail input (White/Brown)O/P 8 (Grey) General FaultO/P 7 (White) Confirmed AlarmO/P 6 (Purple) TamperO/P 5 (Blue) Zone Omit (System)O/P 4 (Green) Open/CloseO/P 3 (Yellow) Burglar AlarmO/P 2 (Orange) Hold Up AlarmO/P1 (Brown) Fire12V (Red)0V (Black)(Not used) (White/Orange)(Not used) (White/Brown)O/P 16 (Grey) RF FaultO/P 15 (White) 24 Hour AlarmO/P 14 (Purple) Ext PSU FaultO/P 13 (Blue) Ext PSU Low VoltO/P 12 (Green) Alarm AbortO/P 11 (Yellow) Technical AlarmO/P 10 (Orange) Battery FaultO/P 9 (Brown) AC Fail