CONVECTION ROASTING GU~E—ts Nlinutesfl.b. Oven Temperature (“F.)l>eef Rib, Boneless Rib. Rare 20-24 325”Top Sirloin (3 to 5 Ibs. ) Medium 24–28 325”Well 28-32 3~5’Beef Tenderloin Rare 1 ()-14 325°Medium 14- I 8 3~50Pot Roast (2:~ t(} 3 lbs, ) Chuck, Rump 35-45 3000Pork Bone-in, Boneless (3 tn 5 lbs. ) ?3–27 3~50Chops 2 chops 30-35 total 325”( 1/2 to l-inch thick) 4 chops 35–40 total 325°6 chops 4045 total 3~5.Ham Canned, Butt, Shank (3 to 5 Ibs. fLIlly cooked) 14-18 325”L,amb Bone-in, Boneless Meciium 17-20 325°(3 [(> 5 Ibs.) well 20-24 325<>Seafood Fish, whole (3 to 5 Ibs. ) 30-40 total 4000I.obster Tails (6 to X oz. each) 20-25 total 3500Poultry Whole Chicken ~4–~~ 350’>(2X to 372 Ibs. )Cornish Hens Ullstllfted ( ] to ] X Ibs. ) 50-55 total 3500stuffed ( I to 1 Y: Ibs. ) 55–60 tOtal 350’”Duckling (4 to 5 Ibs. ) 24–26 325<’Turkey, wh(~le’): [Jnstuffed (10 to 16 lbs. ) x--l 1 325”UnstLlffed (18 to 24 Ibs, ) 7-1o 325[’‘1’urkey Breast (4 to 6 Ibs. ) 16-19 325°Internal Temperature (“F.), 400.;1 60”I 70[”,~()<:j.160°1 70’”I 70”170[’1 70”1 70°140°16001 70°t 800–1 85”1 800–[ 85”1800-185”I 800–1 85°I Xoo-l 85”I 80[’- I Xs”I 70°1 1 1‘;: StLlffed birds generally reqLlire 30-45 minutes additi(n)al roastirrg time. Shield legs and breast with foil to pre}ent n~e]browning and dt-ying of skin.‘i-The U. S, Department of’ AgricLl\ture Say S .’R~I-c [~ccf’ is popular, but you shmdd know that cooking i[ to (>nly 140”F, means someIot)d poisoning organisms may sLir\i\c,” (SuLlrce: Safe Food Book, Your Kitchen Guide. USDA Rc\, June t985.)REGULAR BAKING%’our double oven has controls for the upper oven Your oven temperature is controlled very accuratel~and the lower oven. Be sure to set the correct using an oven control system. We recommend that youcontrol. Pads on the left side of the panel are for operate the oven lot” a number of weeks to becomethe upper oven. Pads on the right side of the panel tiimiliar with your new oven’s performance. If youare for the lower oven. The TIMER ON/OFF, think an adjustment is necessary, see the Acljust theCOOK TIME, STOP TIME, INCREASE and Oven Thermostat section in this &uide. It lists easy [j~)DECREASE pads can be used for either oven. [t H~~{/-,\e~f”instructions on how to adjust the thermostat.NOTE: When the oven is hot, the front of the ovengets hot too.How to Set Your Oven for BakingTo avoid possible burns, place the shelves itl the 3. Press the CLEAR/OFF pad when baking is finishecicorrect position before you turn the oven on, and then retnove the food from the oven.1. Press the BAKE pad. NOTE;: A fan may automatically turn on and off to2. Press the INCREASE or DECREiASE pad. “coo] internal parts. This is nortnal and the fan mayThe last oven temperature used appears in the continue to run even after the oven is turned off.display. Continue ‘pt-essing until til~ desiredtemperature is displayed.The oven will start autotnatico]ly. The word “ON.’-. and “ 1()()”” will be displayed, As the oven heats up,‘le display will show the changing temperatures.When the oven reaches the temperature you haveset, a tone will sound.To change the oven temperature during theBAKE cycle, press the BAKE pad and thenthe INCREASE or DECREASE pad to get thenew temperature.17