94 TruVision DVR 40 User ManualFigure 24: The system configuration screenCapturing text insertionsThe TVR 40 can actively obtain or passively receive text information from other devices linked througha network or a serial port. This information can then be overlaid on live video, recorded, and playedback. The function is largely used for ATMs.The following instructions describe how to setup the parameter for different links to ATMs and POS.ATM includes NCR, DIEBOLD, WINCOR-NIXDORF, Siemens, OLIVETTI, FUJITSU, Hitachi, etc and POSsupport through GE ProBridge. The transaction types include query, withdraw, deposit, PINmodification and money transfer etc.The TVR 40 permits the capture of four types of text insertions. See Table 15 on page 95.