46 TruVision DVR 40 User ManualModifying the image qualityDifferent cameras and backgrounds may need to have the screen image modified in order to obtainthe best video image. Use this menu to configure the video image. You can setup each cameraseparately or copy the video parameters of one camera to another camera.To modify the image quality of the camera video1. In the Camera menu select the camera you want to adjust. Go to the Adjust Video setup buttonand press t Enter, or left-click the mouse. The Adjust Video menu appears.2. Go to the Brightness setup button and press Enter, or left-click the mouse. A scroll bar appears atthe bottom of the screen.3. Use the up/down arrow buttons to adjust the brightness level. The video camera changes at thesame time.4. When you are satisfied with the real time video of the camera, press Enter, or left-click the mouse.5. Repeat steps 2 to 4 for the Contrast settings of this camera.6. When completed, select OK and return to the Camera menu.7. When you have made all the changes required in the Camera menu, go to OK and press Enter orleft-click the mouse to save all changes and return to the main menu. Press the Menu button toreturn to live mode.