2828Using Macro modeIn Macro mode, you can capture tiny detailsof the subject at a very close range. Press theRight/MacroWRWDNHFORVHXSVKRWV• MacroSelect this to focus on subjects 5cm fromthe lens.Exposure compensationThe exposure compensation allows you toDGMXVWWKHEDFNJURXQGEULJKWQHVVWRSURGXFHthe best result of photos. To change the expo-sure values, do the following::KHQWDNLQJDSLFWXUHSUHVVWKH8SExposure button to activate the setexposure screen.2. Use the Left/Right to adjust the exposurevalue for the picture. The range is from EV-2.0 to EV+2.0 (steps of 0.3).